rpe undetect, >> download
alt tab gwa saranin pake violet download

langkaah yang harus di penuhhi,

1. buka pointblank

2. buka violet nya

3. start pb nya,

4. login char tumbal,

5. buat room DM 160 kill, mstation ( gwa saranin room ini aja ), yang tumbal CT, yang gb TERo,

6. start

7. ketemuan dulu dah, bila perlu kiss sejenak, 

8. yang tumbal alt tab, buka rpe nya, open process, udah pada tau ni kan,

9. start, truss HS kan dah kepala nya sih tumbal,

10. tunggu sampe selesai respawn, baru di stop kan,

11. cari size 26 ( headshot nya ), klik kanan truss send, liat socket id nya, copy kan bila perlu, truus kluarin aja tuh, klik kanan lagi, pilih add to sendlist, terserah mau buat nama apa,

12. cari size 44 ( respawn nya ), klik kanan truss pilih add to sendlist,

13. kalo udah semua, di sendlist ganti time nya 200 millisecond nya 5 ( gwa saranin begini )

14. masukin socket id nya yang lo copy tadi tuh masukin kesana,

15. truss centang kedua duanya,

16. start,

17. keciliin speaker nya, ntar pecah,

ne SSx klo gk percaya

1 Response so far.

  1. Anonim says:

    Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially in Java, leech oil is commonly used for enlarging the sizegenetics with regards to a male vital organ. It should be believed that massaging your penis using warm leech oil for around 10 minutes daily will increase penis sizegenetics permanently. Leech oil is made by cooking the leech and other herbs inside fresh green coconuts that are boiled over charcoals. While there are certain forms of leeches (a lot of them don't feed on human's blood, surprisingly), similar to Greek and Indian therapy, the Javanese only use the Hirudo medicinalis over other species.